Living Abroad: Thailand

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 3
Safety: 5

This is my second time leaving the U.S.A., and it is the first time living in another country for an extended amount of time. For me, coming to Thailand was not something I had planned; honestly, it was quite the opposite. I stumbled upon the opportunity in mid February, applied by March 1, agreed to coming to Thailand in mid March, and left for Thailand during the first of May. I describe that period time as "excitedly nervous". The idea of living in a new culture with new opportunities, new places to see, new customs, new food, etc. all sounded so exciting! However, there was also the apprehension of what if I don't like it, what if I am not good at teaching English, what if I don't make friends, etc. Looking back on that time period, I can genuinely say making the decision to come to Thailand has been on of the best decisions I have ever made. Every day, I learn more about this new culture and what makes it so special. My school's location, while more remote, is filled with students and teachers that are happy that I am there and excited to interact with me, even if sometimes most of the conversation is through body movements. I live with a Thai family that makes it a priority of making me included in the community as well as showing me places that are authentic Thai. When I have questions or need help, I can count on my coordinator and OEG/CIEE to assist in any situation. I'd encourage anyone that is thinking about living abroad to check out this program and what it has to offer!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed