PMGY Ghana

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 1
Safety: 5

When people have asked me how my time in Ghana was, I have found it really hard to put it into words. I have experienced emotions which I have never experienced before, been introduced to a new culture, become more confident in myself and I have made friends for life.

The volunteer house itself is what I expected with around 6 volunteers per room which enabled me to become really close to numerous people. The living and dining area is spacious so all of the volunteers were able to sit together and participate in activities which also helped our group to become even closer. Although often having no running water came as a shock, I surprisingly really enjoyed the bucket showers.

My time at the orphanage was an experience which I will never forget. Although at the beginning of my three weeks I found it hard to know what I was able to do at the orphanage and after the initial shocks of how the house mothers treated the children, I soon settled in and felt able to contribute in ways that enabled me to make a difference. As my time progressed at the orphanage, I found myself becoming more confident in myself and became much more involved. I painted the disabled girls' room along with a couple of other volunteers and transformed their dark and dull room into a light, pretty, girly room which was greatly appreciated by the house mother and the children. Some of the children at the orphanage have completely stolen my heart and I plan on visiting them again in the future. The children at the orphanage have taught me a very important lesson as they all were so positive, enthusiastic and happy despite them having absolutely nothing.

The staff at PMGY Ghana have been absolutely amazing. I couldn't have asked for a more supportive, caring and enthusiastic team to spend my three weeks with. Whenever I needed advice or help Seth or Flo were always there to help. As this was my first time volunteering abroad I was a bit apprehensive before I came as I thought I might feel out of my comfort zone, however, the staff really helped to make everyone feel at home as soon as they stepped foot in the volunteer house. I felt so safe during my time in Ghana, there was never a time that I felt anxious or worried about safety aspects.

Overall, I have had the most amazing experience of my life and I cannot recommend volunteering in Ghana enough. I believe that it has changed me for the better and I have learnt a lot of important life lessons.

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Year Completed