Disabled children placement

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I spent four weeks in Ghana, on the Disabled children placement.
It was a great experience, from the start we were guided around until confident to travel alone. Even when travelling alone the local community are so helpful and friendly; from telling you which stop to get off for the next minibus, to letting you know your bag is open in the market. There was never a reason to feel unsafe during my time in Ghana.

For the placement itself once I was able to recognise the routine of the children's home it became easier to be productive and make a good impact. The home seems understaffed so being able to help with washing clothes, changing nappies, and giving so more attention to a child who's usually left to their own devices does make a positive difference. w
Whether it's chatting or singing with them, exercising their arms and legs to encourage mobility, there's always something to be done.

In addition to working in the children's home I was given the oppurtunity to contribute at the School; I paid school term fees for a number of students and helped towards their end of term party.

The PMGY team in Ghana were really supportive and hardworking, and help you to let of steam at the end of a tiring day or week.
I wish I could have stayed longer as they have created a home environment for us volunteers, and continually took our needs into consideration, seeing what they could change to make our stay better. They also told is about the differences in Ghana, and encouraged us not to be wasteful, for example concerning water and food.

I would recommend Pmgy Ghana to anyone and hope to return. Come with an open mind and acknowledge that many of the norms which are taken for granted in the developed world are luxuries here and appreciate how people work around it. It may take a few days to adjust but it's worth it.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed