TEFL Heaven - Koh Chang April 2017

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 4
Job Assistance: 5

When deciding what program to choose for this journey of my life, I was highly drawn to the TEFL Heaven internship program. The main points that were important for me is that the company was reputable, they were supportive, and they guaranteed a job after the training. TEFL Heaven hits the ball out of the park on all of those points!

The three week training course on Koh Chang was an intensive crash course on becoming a teacher that concluded on going to an English Camp and teaching lessons to real kids. I can say that I was very shy about talking in front of groups before I joined onto this course. Now after two months of teaching that shyness has flown out the window. In the very beginning of the course they put you in the hot seat to perform under pressure, which is a quality that every teacher has to have - especially in a foreign country.

My favorite experiences during the training course were the day trips we did on the weekends with our big group. It was a nice chance to hang out and get to know the fellow TEFL trainees and the TEFL trainers. After a long week of training, some fun in the sun is much needed every weekend.

I don't think I'll ever be the same person after this because now the travel bug has bitten me. Before the TEFL course, I was working the standard 8 - 5pm office job and that wasn't the life that I wanted for myself. So, if you are contemplating doing bigger things then this may be the opportunity for you!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed