Swansea Study Abroad- 10/10, would recommend

Academics: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 2
Safety: 5

Literally, just commit. Sign-up. Pay the down payment. Whatever it may be, if you have any doubts about this program whatsoever, ignore them and take a leap of faith. This program and Swansea University as a whole was one of the best decisions I could have ever made. I originally never planned on studying abroad, but I'm 100% glad I made the decision to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because it's changed who I am as a person in such a great way. I'm so much more of an 'adult' now than I ever was, and I'm loads more knowledgeable with how the world works. With studying abroad experience under my belt, I'm more keen to graduate and move somewhere where I have to start a whole new life- it's given me the courage to do so.
First and foremost, Wales is incredibly beautiful and lush. Studying at Swansea gives you ample time to roam around and take in all the natural beauty like the Gower and Rhossili. As classes are set at your own pace with very minimal deadlines to meet (as there's typically only a final at the end of term), this gives you a massive amount of time to explore and travel. The weather itself isn't dreadful, either. It doesn't rain terribly hard at all and instead only drizzles. I'm from Texas where the temperature is a constant boil, and I managed to adjust really well to the wind and cold.
Secondly, you get to make so many friends abroad. I now have friends all over the world from Australia to Germany to Canada. In this sense, not only do you get to learn about Welsh culture, but you get to learn about so many other countries plus the ones you get to travel around to. After my five months were over, I had visited 10 countries including Iceland and Hungary (my favourites by far).
Tips: pack light (you never even use half your wardrobe, I promise. And more room for souvenirs!), integrate and become a local (I always went to the same coffee shop, met lots of sweet locals who I still keep in contact with), get the National Express discount card and the railcard

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed