Life changing experience

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I spent a month in Ghana doing the teaching project and also the orphanage project. I have had the best 4 weeks of my life. I had the pleasure of meeting so many amazing people. The children brought me so much happiness and joy. In the school, they are so motivated and interested to learn which makes it a lot more enjoyable. Seeing the transformation of the nursery class while I was there and the smiles of the children when they entered their new classroom, is something I'll remember forever. In the orphanage, the children are just amazing. They appreciate everything you do for them no matter how big or small. Even by just colouring a picture with the children, can make their day. The children in both the school and the orphanage are so warm and welcoming, you're always greeted with a smile and a hug every morning! I have formed so many close bonds with people and have made friends for life in Ghana. You become so close to the other volunteers and I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to share my experience with. The staff in the house are fantastic. I've never met such passionate and hard working people. If ever you needed help with anything or even just wanted a chat, they are always there to help you no matter what and will always make time for you. They make you feel so at home and are extremely supportive. The UK team are also very supportive as they're always there to help you with any questions or issues you may have. I had no safety issues in Ghana at all. I was a bit nervous about safety at first but I felt more safe in Ghana than I do at home. The locals are the friendliest people you'll ever meet. You're given so many opportunities in Ghana that most people will never get the chance to experience. I'm so sad to be leaving and I'm already looking at flights to come back. My experience has been life changing and I'd 100% recommend PMGY Ghana!

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Yes, I would