Italy Experience

Growth: 5
Support: 3
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

In many ways, I feel like the Experiment has provided me a lifelong experience which has changed me tremendously. The way that I act now in the states is because I realized that I couldn’t run from my problems and that I’ll have to face them. There was nowhere for me to run and hide anymore. On this trip I’ve learned and explored so much that I’ll never see in the United States of America. Italy was my first time going out of the country which was a major thing to my family and I.
On this trip my people’s skills has really changed because I made friends and family in a time spare of 30 days. In the United States, something like that wouldn’t happen because I have my own set of family and friends to be with all of the time while in Italy I had nobody that I knew. I view myself as a more efficient leader because I can move/ inspire people to expand their horizons. And for that I thank you Experiment!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed