Great Stepping Stone

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

This was my first time traveling without my parents in a different country. Through this program I as I was able to travel with other people as well as being able to go off by myself (with permission of course) and got to experience the culture Switzerland, Italy and France had. I met up with the group in Germany so I was a little late to everything. However, right when I got there I knew immediately that it was going to be a great trip. I sat down and immediately started talking to people. I went into this trip knowing now one and I came out with 25 new friends from all over the United States. It made me into the person I am today. It also gave me the travel bug even more then before. Going on this trip allowed us to see different cultures from around the world. While experiencing different cultures it made me not want to go back because of how well TFT put us deep in the culture of the place we were visiting. Through Travel For Teens, they have made me into the person I have always stride to be whether that be improving me leadership skills or my social skills. Travel for Teens is a great stepping stone to starting to travel by yourself in the future.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed