Good course

Instruction: 4
Support: 5
Value: 4
Academic Rigor: 2
Job Assistance: 5

The people running this course put a lot of effort into making it useful for us. I found that they taught me a lot about how to be a presenter, someone who can gain the interest of his or her audience and maintain it throughout. Being a rather reserved individual this was actually quite difficult but it was also the most useful part of the course for me. Whether I´ll be teaching English or doing anything else that requires me to be in front of people I am very grateful for the training I´ve received.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed
Private Note to Provider (optional)
Some of the exams were a little confusing in terms of knowing what should be studied beforehand.

The website, when I was applying for the program, looked quite outdated. Charles told me it has been updated but said to still let you know what I thought about the old website.

Personally, I´m not fond of the logo, just because it looks a little bit colonial.