Where to Start?!

Value: 5
Fun: 5
Staff: 5
Safety: 5
Organization: 5

Where to start?! My China tour experience was one of the most amazing opportunities that I have ever had. Before my trip to China I knew next to nothing about Chinese culture and it was really something that I never went out of my way to expose myself to, Asian culture just didn’t interest me. During the program I had the privilege of experiencing Asian culture in all its beauty and I have come away with such an appreciation for the people and place that I didn’t have before. The tour experience was a great gateway that opened my eyes to so many new possibilities for my life. The program experience given to my class made ALL the difference. We were constantly given anecdotal information about experiences our tour guides had when they first came to China, they were very informative about Chinese cultural practices, general etiquette, and so many other interesting topics of concern. Additionally, SSI was a big part of what I learned in China. Our learning was focused on an incredibly interesting topic in sustainability and that same topic was so relevant and well themed with our China experience. I came away from the trip with such a wealth of information, that I had never dreamed of knowing before. I’d recommend to anyone who is thinking about trying an experience such as this to absolutely go for it!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed