Choose UCD!!!

Academics: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I am a civil/environmental engineering major whose home university is UMass Amherst. I decided to study at UCD for the spring semester of my sophomore year, and I'm so glad that I did. All of my professors are extremely friendly, and they are all willing to provide extra help or direct you to other resources if needed. With grades being mostly based on exams, my classes don't have too much busy work so I have plenty of time to travel and explore. The best part is that all of the courses I'm taking here are counting towards my major! Every advisor, faculty member, or any staff that I have encountered at UCD has been friendly, helpful, and if I could go back to my study abroad application process I would make the same decision all over again to come here.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed