Dublin Internship Experience

Growth: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 1
Safety: 4

My time in Dublin has been nothing short of life changing and just overall fun. It is truley hard to put into words what I have experienced between the culture, my internship, and the friends I have made. Coming over originally I didn't think the semester would go this smoothly or fast.
My internship couldn't have been more perfect for my field of interest or making connections. Right away my coworkers and my boss made me feel apart of their family. I have honestly never had a boss as great as the one I did. She was extremely understanding when I wanted to travel or even take a personal day. She knew I was an intern and that I was helping them more than they were helping me, in terms of their work load. (She even said that). Even my CEO made me feel extremely welcomed right away. I couldn't have asked for a better placement for a job this semester.
Even outside of that, exploring Dublin was unbelievable, the night life, the scenery and the people. Some of the nicest people I have ever met as well as some of the nicest views I have ever seen traveling around the country! I would highly recommend interning in Dublin, it is a once in a life time opportunity!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed