The best three weeks of my life!

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I went on Ultimate Hawaii last summer and it was the best three weeks of my life ever! I made so many friends that I still talk to and even meet up with from time to time to this day. We did so many amazing and different things. One of my favorite things was swimming with the Manta rays and snorkeling with sea turtles. I have so many memories from this trip that I will never forget. My councilors and my CIT were super cool and always managed to keep things in order. Also, it was amazing how many great photos they were able to get of us, they had so many amazing candid shots that I love to look back on! This trip gives you the full Hawaiian experience and shows you the different personalities of every island.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed