Would Do it Again if Given the Opprotunity

Growth: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

This semester was the only good time for me to study abroad, and my time in Dublin has given me the chance to live and experience a different culture and lifestyle, from the people I met and connected with to the amazing historical places within the city itself. My favorite memories were seeing the Book of Kells, where I got to learn about the history of its making and being able to explore Trinity College's Old Library; go and take pictures of the Cliffs of Moher and explore Belfast, and took part in a two day festival for Chinese New Year at the Irish Emigration Museum.
For future participants, I would check if the housing accommodation lets you barrow bedding items and like as I did not know about my accommodation offering that until my final day. I would also recommend using the tram luas alongside the public buses as the former gets you to places more quickly and easier to understand compared to the buses, but using both the luas and buses can help you get around Dublin (though keep an eye on how much money your spending on them). I would also recommend in exploring the city as much as you can, especially by joining groups of your interest or just going out to the bars and nightclubs.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed