Culture and Arts Management

Academics: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Housing: 3
Safety: 5

I spent 9 months in one of the most beautiful countries. The people are the nicest of anywhere I’ve ever been. I got a MA in cultural policy and arts management and was able to learn alongside those from several different countries. We took two class trips during this program and throughout the course of the program, my classmates became my family. UCD was a wonderful place to study and live. There were many food options and tons of places to study, a beautiful state of the art gym and amazing societies to join.

I joined the dance society and my time at UCD with some of the most enthusiastic dancers I’ve ever gotten to work with. I choreographed our jazz routine that year and was a soloist in the contemporary and mixed pieces. Jazz won 2nd and contemporary won 1st at the all Ireland Inters competition in Galway. It was an amazing experience.

Overall, living in Dublin was amazing. The people, the food, the experiences all exceeded my expectations. There is so much to do and see and I cannot wait to get back this summer to visit my friends.

While I was enrolled in this program, I was able to travel to several other countries. I spent time in Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Spain, and Sweden. Through these experiences I was able to learn and grow so much. These trips were as much a part of my education as my time at UCD. My love for travel and culture only increased while I was abroad and I cannot wait to experience more. It’s my goals to see and experience as many cultures as possible during my lifetime.

This program and it’s studies, as well as the travel I was able to do started a fire in me. I want to grow and understand. I truly believe the key to being a good human being is understanding the human race. The best way I’ve found to do that is to travel and immerse yourself into the culture of whatever amazing country you’re in. The world is an amazing place and diversity should be celebrated. I want to know and experience as much as I can to help bridge the gaps we so often find in our cultural differences.

Study abroad at UCD is was amazing and I am so thankful and grateful I had that opportunity. I truly believe study abroad in any capacity is important. The more you see and experience, the better off you and those around you will be.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed