Spring in Granada

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

With only two weeks until I leave for the U.S., my time in Granada is officially coming to a close. It is strange to think how quickly my time here is ending. When I first arrived in January, I remember feeling overwhelmed by how much time I was going to be in a foreign place. Four months felt like an eternity. I felt uncertain of how I would handle being away from home for such a long time. However, I now feel like those four months have flown by. I cannot believe how quickly time has passed. It’s funny how slowly time seems to be moving, and then, as you become engrossed in your everyday life, it suddenly moves at an extremely rapid pace.
I feel infinitely grateful for my time in Granada this semester. I had the opportunity to experience Spanish culture, improve my Spanish language skills, and meet some incredible people. I was able to travel to many countries: Italy, Belgium, France, Portugal, and Spain of course. I was able to be in Europe with my family and new friends that I made while being here. Coming into this, I sincerely had no expectations. People would ask me if I was excited, and I never really knew what to say. I was excited to be in a new country, but I did not really know what for. I had not yet met the people I would be spending all my time with. I had never been to Spain. I had no plans for what I was going to do when I was here. So I came into this expecting nothing, and I feel so grateful for the many incredible things I received.
Furthermore, I feel as though I have grown as a person throughout my time here. I have learned that putting yourself in unfamiliar situations can result in great self improvement. I was so nervous to come here because there was so much I did not know. However, I feel as though I have become a more confident, independent, and optimistic person because of it. I was able to meet people I never would have had I stayed at home: my incredible host mom, my roommate, and the many, many other friends I have made. While learning to appreciate a new culture, I also gained a new appreciation for my own home in the U.S.. There is so much I have learned, and I hope to bring these lessons with me wherever I go. I have simply had the best time.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed