Granada, Spain--Jessica

Academics: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Prior to coming to Granada I didn´t have much of a preconcieved idea as to what the experience was going to entail. I didn´t know how big Granada was, I didn´t know what they culture and the people were like, had zero idea how hard my classes were going to be... but i was excited! This experience has been one of the best decisions i´ve made and i am so glad i decided to do it here! After traveling to other cities, I couldn´t imagine studying anywhere other than Granada. It is the perfect size for students. Most everyone speaks soley in Spanish and the city is small enough you can walk just about anywhere in a decent amount of time yet big enough you don´t feel like you´re in a pueblo. Granada also has the perfect location-- it´s just a bus ride away from hiking, the beach, and the mountains. There is literally something for everyone to do.
I am so glad I picked SOL because coming from Missouri State it was one of my cheapest options and the onsite staff have bene wonderful. They have a good repuation of having good host families, and it´s true. The families are absolutely wonderful.
I would definitely recomend this program and this city to just about anyone wanting to spend an extended amount of time in Spain.
TRAVEL AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. When will you ever get to be abroad for 4 months again? Use your weekends, go out and have tapas, spend time with Spaniards, spend time with people from school, this is a once in a lifetime experience and you wont want to go home having any regrets!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed