children's clinic in cusco

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I volunteered for 12 weeks at Clínica San Juan de Dios in Cusco, Peru. It was the experience of a lifetime. This is a clinic that provides housing/care for children with mental and/or physical disabilities, as well as serves the poorer outskirts of Cusco as an outpatient clinic with several specialty doctors. During my time in the clinic I was able to move between the different areas of the clinic and participate in multiple different aspects. I did everything from filing to playing with children to triaging patients (being a RN in the US). I felt so welcome at the clinic and could tell my work was making a difference even if it was something as simple as making a child smile.

During my entire 12 weeks in Cusco I was lucky enough to live in a homestay, where I quickly became part of the family. We all ate breakfast lunch and dinner together in the house and the family was there to help with anything I needed; as well as just to talk and hang out with. I was lucky enough to live in a family with a daughter my same age, we became fast friends, and I went on to meet and hang out with all her friends from the city. Being that Cusco is a necessary stop for all travelers heading to Machu Picchu, there are also many tourists and a very big nightlife scene.

During the week I did my volunteer work as well as took Spanish classes that were included with the program. Through the spanish school there were weekly activities that were offered to get to know the other volunteers, such as bar-tending classes, cooking classes, game nights, and movie nights. Which were a great way to spend free time as well as meet other volunteers. On the weekends I had free time to do whatever I wanted. The program provided me with trips white water rafting, a tour of the sacred valley, and a visit to Machu Picchu. In addition to that I had time to do extra activities that interested me such as taking a trip into the amazon rainforest and salsa dancing classes.

Overall, this was the trip of a lifetime, it was an experience I will never forget. I would do it again in a heartbeat, and can't wait to go back and visit all the friends I made.

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Yes, I would