Nepal (4 Weeks) with Gapforce

Housing: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 4

Having done only the Nepal portion of the trip, I enjoyed it greatly. I liked the balance between the tranquility and flexibility of volunteering in Pokhara, the challenge and excitement of the trek, the fun of Chitwan, and hectic Kathmandu. Every destination had something different to offer, therefore we were not just having similar experiences in various places. It was great to share the trip with like-minded people, especially since this is a gap year company and therefore all participants are taking gap years and nearly the same age.
If you are thinking of doing this program, I would 100% recommend it, but you must be comfortable with uncertainty and changes of plans. A program leader and a friend had to leave in the middle of the trip because of medical conditions, and the program had to be extended by three days because of a flight cancellation. These and similar inconveniences are circumstances you have to be comfortable with for the trip to be enjoyable. However, this flexibility can also bring about good things; for example, at last minute the orphanage leader invited us to her son's wedding, which was a great cultural experience.
I recommend being mindful about your money and belongings during the trek. Most people ran out of money well before ending the trek upon buying basic things such as toilet paper, snacks, showers, etc. (since they are expensive because it is very high up). Take more cash than is recommended, and do not expect ATMs during the trek. Since you are moving around so much, it is quite easy to lose your belongings (I lost a few things), so keep checking on your valuables to make sure you didn't leave them behind. Be prepared to have stomach issues at least once, and research about Everest Base Camp beforehand to both appreciate it more and be prepared for the cold, lack of communication, etc.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed