TEFL Certificate Through CIEE

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 4
Academic Rigor: 4
Job Assistance: 4

Going into the TEFL certification course, I was unsure of what to expect. I was taking the course because I had already been accepted to teach abroad and needed the TEFL certification to be eligible .

I felt that the course itself was an amazing preparation for someone who would be going overseas to teach English. It prepared you in multiple ways; from teaching English itself, to planning and preparation, to classroom management. Each section had a variety of way of getting information across and it checked for your understanding through discussion boards and quizzes, which in turn prepared you for the graded coursework at the end of each unit.

I felt that I always had my questions answered by my course instructor in a timely manner and all of my graded assignments had very constructive feedback attached with it. I also liked having a chance to get on a weekly webchat with other students of the course and the course instructor. It was a way to talk about what we learned (which really helped solidify all the information we took in) and we were able to ask questions!

I will say that I am already a licensed teacher (with a focus in TESL from college) so most of the concepts taught were more of a review for me. Sometimes it felt redundant because I deal with these things on a daily basis, but it was still good to think about how I would put it into practice teaching overseas. I know it may seem like the course is expensive, but what you get from it is worth it. Access to plenty of materials to use in the future and a readily available instructor on top of what you learn makes this course worthwhile for the certificate.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed