Life Changing Experience

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

My experience volunteering at Casa de los Angeles was AMAZING. It was a life changing experience, and I think about things in a very different way now. It has almost been a year since I volunteered at Casa, and I still think about the kids and my experience all the time. My heart is being called back to Casa, and I hope I get to back someday.

The staff is incredibly friendly and very helpful. My biggest challenge was that I am only a beginner Spanish speaker, so communicating at times was difficult. However, somehow we always understood each other, and it usually turned into a laughable situation! The kids were amazing and were by far my favorite part of the trip. You become very close to them very quickly. Volunteering at Casa de los Angeles makes you want to continue to do good and serve others wherever life takes you.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would