Living My Greatest Life in Spain

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

This CIEE program impacted me because I had the chance to test the boundaries of my comfort zone. In order to be successful, you have to step outside of your comfort zone. It is all about experiencing things that make you nervous and uncomfortable. These feelings are also felt when you chase your dreams, and in order to chase my dreams, I had to leave my comfort zone.  
Leaving my comfort zone means gaining cultural appreciation and the realization that no two places in the world are the same. Every city, state, or country has something special and unique. Experiencing different cultures and ways of life are blessings because they allow me to live a lifestyle different than the ones I’ve previously experienced. This CIEE program impacted my college experience because it gave me a better sense of appreciation for what the world has to offer and likewise it will open my eyes to the diversity and indescribable beauty of places I’ve never been.  
This CIEE program did not only impact my college experience, but it helped me in my future career plans. After graduating Concordia University of Wisconsin with a Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy and a minor in Spanish, I plan on making my mark in the world by using my experiences and knowledge to make a difference in the lives of others. Spanish will be useful since I plan to live abroad in a Spanish-speaking country and practice there. With the knowledge I have of culture minorities, I will be able to successfully practice in a way that doesn’t offend my clients. Helping people is a characteristic that I learned as a child. It gives me a sense of belonging, pride, and accomplishment. It is my obligation to give back, and this is one way that I will be able to share my knowledge with the world and truly make a difference. During this experience, I met so many new people from all around the United States as well as Spain. I’m very fortunate to have been able to take my family back to Spain to show them the city I studied abroad in. It was a beautiful thing for me to have been able to witness. As far as my favorite memory, it would have to be when we took a bus trip to Aracena and ended up jumping off of a bridge into a river while we kayaked and enjoyed the Spanish siesta time. I was terrified to jump, but with my new friends, we all jumped and it was such a fun memory! I haven’t ever had a feeling of adrenaline like that. I absolutely enjoyed every second that I spent in Spain.

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Thank you for this amazing opportunity—I am truly grateful and blessed for all that has happened through this trip. Another trip would be life-changing!