Leading to a Life Abroad

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 4
Job Assistance: 3

After college I decided to travel and wanted to stay abroad as long as possible so I figured I'd get a teaching certificate to travel around Asia for about 5 monthsa nd then teach for a semester or a year. Little did I know that I would still be living abroad working as a teacher over 2 years later! The course was simple, direct and allowed you to work at your own pace and only had to attend a once weekly meeting. The homework assignments were very useful and practicum was a big help for when the real teaching began! If you don't want to try one of the sessions abroad are are trying to complete the program while still in school then this is a perfect fit for you! I also got an extra 30 hour specification certificate for free!

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Year Completed