Summer in Barcelona

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 4

Choosing CIS Abroad overall, was a great decision. I was able to learn about the culture especially with the home stay option. The program hosted activities for us to participate in. If I were to change anything, it would be to hold more culture based activities especially for the price one pays for the program. Besides that, the academic scene was nice and I was able to learn both in the classroom and outside the classroom. Overall, I enjoyed the program and would be honored to go back and do it all again. I met many people in this journey that I hope to keep around for a long time and cherish the memories that were made with others met on the program. If I were to give advice to future participants it would be to go with an open mind and to learn and explore new things and new ways of doing. It is very crazy/amazing how studying abroad can open your eyes to all the amazing things this world has to offer.


Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed