An easy way to do something quite hard

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 3
Job Assistance: 5

I finished the course last month, and found it to be a challenging, enjoyable, and a very worthwhile decision. It's not easy to make a step like this, and for me it was certainly a big jump, but it's certainly made a lot easier when you have the kind of active support system provided by Ninja Teacher. Before the course I had searched online for information regarding different TESOL/TEFL programs, and the logistics relating to teaching English abroad and moving to Asia. I stumbled upon Alex's videos and found them very helpful and informative, providing a balanced view of life in Vietnam as a foreign English teacher. I remember sending an email just asking for some details about one of the courses, and within no time, Miranda responded and the next thing I knew I was talking about it via Skype with Alex.

The main questions and concerns I had were addressed in videos that Alex had made on YouTube, but for everything else I relied on the various Ninja Teacher Facebook groups, which I highly recommend as a means of support and information. The whole business about work permits, visas, document legalisation, and so on, can at first be troublesome to try and deal with, but with a whole network of other people doing the exact same thing, it becomes a breeze. I even got to know a couple of people I would end up being on the course with beforehand through the Facebook groups, which is another invaluable thing.

I was initially scheduled to do one of the TESOL courses in March, but due to sudden and unforeseen personal circumstances, I had to stay in the UK for another month. Even though this was only a few days before my course was due to start, Miranda, Alex, and others at Ninja Teacher were very responsive and I was informed about what my options were very quickly. I was able to seamlessly transfer to another course and everything went smoothly after that.

Both during and after the course, the team at Ninja Teacher offered guidance and support. They checked up on me to see how I was getting on and to make sure things were going okay., which of course they were.

I highly recommend you go through Ninja Teacher if you're thinking of doing a TESOL course, as they will not just try to recruit you, but will actually offer a priceless network of support and and guidance. You'll be very glad you did it this way.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed