One Week in Costa Rica

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Who knew that you would be able to attain so much knowledge and apprication for a country in just one short week. After arriving on Saturday, I went to the volcano on Sunday and learned about the history of the country. I soon learned that the people of Costa Rica are kind and patient, and it was a very nice break from the fly fast style of the United States. Our host mom Vicky is one of the kindest people I have ever met. She opened her home to us and made us meals and took care of us as if we were her own.

At my project, I taught English to adults. It was so refreshing to see how engaged they were, and how much they wanted to learn. Ticos share their life with you after a small amount of time, so learning about the reasons of why the study, you truly feel like you are making a difference. Be careful though, because you will soon find that while you are helping them with their English, they are also slowly changing your view on life, and making you learn to enjoy the simple moments in life. At the end of our week, my class had "Cafecita" for us, and everyone brought something to share. One student brought me a mug that was customized with my name on it, and coffee from Los Santos. The entire class worked together and bought us necklaces as well. To think that people from very modest means would invest so much in a stranger that they have only known for one week is humbling, and makes you realize that these moments come few and far between, and need to be cherished.

I am forever grateful to the people at Maximo Nivel for setting this incredible experiance up. They were there for every step of the way, from pick up to drop of. Without them, this trip would not have been possbile. I leave Costa Rica with a deep appreication for the Tico culture. Pura Vida!

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