Changing for the Better

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Dear future travelers,
Picture where your life is right now. If you’re living comfortably but there’s still that little voice in the back of your head saying that something doesn’t feel “right,” I encourage you to listen to it. If you’re feeling frustrated, trapped or unhappy, I promise you that studying abroad in the Gold Coast will liberate you.
Before going abroad, I was an entirely different person. To be honest, I was quite unhappy and was convinced that I was suffering from depression. Leaving everything I knew behind wasn’t easy, especially the first few weeks, but it made me realize something that I’ll take with me for the rest of my life. It taught me that you can challenge everything you ever thought yourself to be and reinvent yourself. All the preconceptions I had about myself were wrong. Before Australia, I never would’ve imagined myself enjoying skydiving, getting certified as a scuba diver and learning to surf. I also adopted a whole new way of thinking through the Buddhist philosophy course I took at Bond Univerdity. I was inspired to begin practicing meditation and be more compassionate towards others. I shed all my negative ruminations and was able to become a more positive and emotionally balanced person. My experience left me with so many incredible memories, and I know that yours will too. Here’s my best advice I can give you as you plan your trip to the Gold Coast.

1. Develop a self care routine while undergoing culture shock. Culture shock and jet lag are both very real, and they can make you feel a bit off in the beginning. Be sure to connect with people from home, get rest, and do whatever it is that helps soothe you, whether it’s going for a run, watching Netflix or my personal favorite, meditation.

2. Challenge everything you think you know about yourself. Afraid of roller coasters when you were younger? Go to one of the many theme parks for a day and conquer that fear. Try new foods, explore and take part in the culture as much as possible.

3. Get to know the locals! While you’ll be meeting great people through your program, make sure to talk to the Australian and international students outside of the program. You’ll be surprised how friendly and open they are to getting to know you if you are willing to get to know them. While abroad I made friends with students from Australia, Brazil and Norway.

4. Choose your travel partners wisely. It’s easy to get excited and want to book trips with someone the first day you meet them, but before you plan anything, be sure you are compatible. Ask them what kinds of things they are looking to do while in a given location. Some people prefer sightseeing while others prefer to explore the clubs. Be sure you can live with them for a week. If you travel with the right people, you will have an amazing time.

5. Make it your own personal experience. Everyone’s experience will mean something different to them, and however you want to spend it is up to you. Just go out there explore, take pictures and videos and I recommend keeping a journal. Because at the end of the day nobody will share the same memories as you.

Your flights almost here, so it’s time for me to go. Just kick back and relax because it’s going to be a long flight, but I promise you it will be worth everything. Safe Travels.

(Former CIS abroad student)

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