My Experience

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I had such an amazing experience in South Africa. I thought that I wouldn’t really make close friends while I was there, but I fortunately did and that made my experience better than expected! I also learned so much being a biology major and this being my first time hearing veterinarian lectures. I know that going to South Africa, you would it expect it to be warm, but it was pretty chilly throughout the day and it is really cold at night. I know that when applying for Vet school that they like when you have experience and I personally think that this is a great experience to have in your application. My favorite memory is when I got to go inside an enclosure with a cheetah named Laura and feed her. She looked right into my eyes and in that moment, I felt such a loving connection with Laura even though I was just feeding her. It made me feel so incredibly happy and I knew Laura would be someone special to me during the rest of my trip.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed