A Summer In Dublin

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

What first drew me to the UCD Summer Program was the internship component. I thought it would be a great experience to study and intern abroad. I wanted to gain new perspectives on the business world and have the chance to apply classroom concepts to the real world. The UCD Summer Internship Program gave me the opportunity to do those things and so much more. I have always wanted to travel to Ireland. The country has so much to offer, from the big city of Dublin to the Cliffs of Moher, to smaller farming communities, and to the beautiful coastal scenery. I felt it would be the perfect place to spend my summer.

I was able to intern with Nomos Productions, a small video production firm. I was a digital media and communications intern. Through my role, I was able to see all parts of the video marketing production process, from idea concept to final video editing. I was also able to perform a digital audit on Nomos’s social media accounts and then create a 6-month plan to enhance their social media presence. Through this internship, I was able to learn so much about digital marketing and social media. This internship has added a great deal to my resume and will definitely set me apart from my fellow students. My favorite part of my internship was being able to learn the behind-the-scenes of video production. There was so much to the process that I did not know about!

I really enjoyed the academic portion of the summer program. I was able to take a core module about the Irish Business Environment, it was very interesting to learn about the growing rate of multinational corporations in Ireland. I also was able to take the Digital Marketing module, I really enjoyed this course. It applied directly to my internship and I was able to take things I learned from class and immediately apply them in the workplace. It was truly a great addition to the internship component and I feel I was more successful in my internship because of the academic component.

I enjoyed the cultural program that was organized by the Quinn School of Business. It had a variety of trips that appealed to many different students. I attended the Causey farm trip, the Cliffs of Moher trip, and the Wicklow hike. These excursions were so fun. It was great to see the other areas of Ireland, although Dublin is a great city. Ireland has such variety all across the country and I loved getting to see some of it. Ireland is a very beautiful country. Other than the trips organized by the Quinn School of Business, I also visited Belfast and Cork. Both were great cities and easily accessed by train. Overall, I was able to see much of Ireland and I would recommend a trip to any of these destinations!

I would recommend the Summer Internship Program because it has helped me become a more competitive and independent student. It also has helped me meet so many amazing individuals and expand my network across the globe.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed