An unforgettable experience!

Growth: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

My MEI trip was hands down one of, if not, the best experience of my life. I was hesitant at first to go, having fears about meeting new people and about the schoolwork, but I’m so happy I went! I met some incredible people who are now some of my best friends, explored new places, tasted exotic foods, and learned a ton. School abroad is much different than regular high school, and although it is quite the adjustment at first, it has truly been beneficial to my life as a student. Plus, the beautiful sights seen along the way allow for a level or personal reflection I’ve never had before. I was also surprised with how strong my connections were with people after only knowing them for a few days. The bonds I made are life-long. All in all, I would recommend this trip to anyone who loves the outdoors, and who’s looking for a life-changing experience unlike any other!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed