dublin has my heart

Academics: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I could not imagine studying abroad with any program but ASA! The staff in the states (hi Cayleigh) and in Ireland (hi Olwyn) was supportive in every step of the process! The most valuable benefit that was offered through the ASA program was the excursions. Not only was I able to explore the city I called home for a semester, but other beautiful cities in the country. Another valuable benefit of ASA is the variety of living arrangements offered. I lived in a residence hall at Griffith College; the hall community sparked immediate bonding with fellow study abroad students that I have already visited and reunited with in the states. Just from my experience, a few reasons to study in Ireland include the city's charm and craic (Irish for “good fun”) and with no language barrier, the ability to chat with locals!
TIP: the Irish use the phrase "top up" instead of "reload money" when it comes to phone plans and Leap cards (for DublinBus)

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed