NPH Honduras became my home for life!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I volunteered at the Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos home in 2007. I lived and worked at a home for over 600 orphaned and abandoned children in a sprawling ranch style setting. The "rancho" quickly became home to me for the next 13 months of my volunteer experience. I was among 20 other international volunteers from across the U.S. and Europe. I worked during the days as the home's correspondence coordinator and spent my evenings with the 14-16 year old girls sharing meals, helping with homework, and getting them ready for bed. The entire experience helped to open my eyes to many of the social injustices real in our world today, while also showing me the compassion and uncodintional love the children of NPH share. I grew in ways i never thought possible, and wouldn't trade that year for anything. I made lifelong friends among the other volunteers, staff, and children. Since my return, I have continued to visit each year. I would highly recommend this program.

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