Life-changing experience!

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 3
Safety: 4

My time in Prague with USAC was amazing. The food was delicious and affordable, the culture was rich and inviting, and I met so many inspiring people while studying in Prague. USAC had loads of activities to do on the weekends and the program leaders and professors would often come with us, making the program feel like one big happy family. The USAC class sizes were small, which made the courses engaging and conversational.
My time in Prague changed the course of my life. After studying abroad in the spring semester of my freshman year, I switched my major. Living in Prague helped me figure out what I really wanted to do in the future. I highly recommend this beautiful Gothic city to everyone. I miss watching the sunset from a rooftop restaurant or picnics in Petrin Gardens with all of my friends from abroad and I hope anyone who ends up going abroad with USAC to Prague has even more amazing experience.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed