a definite must for would-be volunteers

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

this was truly the greatest experience of my life, to the extent that i every day i think about nepal and the people i met their. The staff at GVN are warm, kind and dedicated. They will answer any questions or concerns and show you respect. You will meet other volunteers from all over the world, of all ages (86 was the oldest i encountered!!) and these volunteers will become your closest friends.
Nepal is the most breathtakingly beautiful country i have ever visited, in every aspect. In particular, the people are friendly, generous and curious.
The children that i worked with were an inspiration, constantly laughing despite the traumas they had suffered in their early lives.
My daily routine consisted of, waking up when the family rooster dictated, morning nepali tea made on the wood fire, getting the children ready for school, then i would spend the day with my host family or helping the community maintenance team. i would spend the afternoon playing with the children and helping with homework before going back to my host family for evening meal. bed time was usually around 8pm as there is nothing to do once it is dark due to lack of electricity!
my host village was remote and traditional. i felt like i was really living an authentic nepali life. vsn gave us language and culture classes to prepare us for this.
at weekends volunteers would head back to kathmandu to let our hair down and have a western meal.
I would strongly recommend GVN to anybody looking to volunteer in nepal and i would strongly recomment Nepal to anybody looking to volunteer somewhere!!
the experience truly changed my life, i returned to the orphanage 2 years later and i plan to go back again very soon.
also, the cost for this programme is not overly expensive and i can guarantee that GVN put the funds to very good use

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Yes, I would