UCD- Study Abroad

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Overall, UCD has been an amazing experience. They welcomed me with open arms and helped me all along the process of everything. UCD has been accommodating and really welcoming. With the international rate of the students being 25%, it has really helped with the transition of going to a different university. The Quinn Business School has been amazing. The professors are all so nice and willing to help you with anything. My advice would be to just go for it. It might be the only chance you get to do something spontaneous before having a real job. It is also a once in a lifetime opportunity to live in a different country, while also being able to travel and really get to find yourself as a person. One of my favorite memories was a weekend trip with the International Student Society. We went to County Cork and I got to meet so many different people from all around the world, while learning more about Ireland. It was the best weekend trip I have taken thus far.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed