Study, Travel, and Teach

Instruction: 4
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 5
Job Assistance: 5

Study: The Trinity Cert Tesol course at the GET academy was certainly rigourous but support was always there when needed. After completing the course you genuinely felt surpised at the amount you had learnt and that you had been putting it in practice the whole time.
Travel: When I was on the program there were three main locations for accomodation .The Vorchdorf and Wolsfberg campus were generally regarded as the most comfortable whilst the Pressbaum accoomdation had the benefits of being near Vienna. It was also situated in the grounds of a school - meaing access to good sporting facilities and a whole forest. You'll be living with a lot of people in quite close quarters so it's important to communicate, I made several really great friends whilst on the program. Transport in Austria is very reliable so it's easy to visit beautiful and interesting places.
Teach: Simultaneously the best and worst part of the experience. You'll spend a lot of time travelling to a different school in Austria every week and will become adept at sleeping in cars and vans. You'll learn excellent techniques for managing a classroom and your students. You'll get an excellent feel for the country and meet all kinds of characters from around Austria. Many teachers at the schools are very welcoming and pleased to meet you. It all culminates in a school-wide performance on Friday - where the students demonstrate to family and friends (and quite often the mayor) everything you've been teaching them. This is initially nerve wracking but it's ultimately a great, and rewarding, end to your hard work throughout the week.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed