Studying abroad was the best decision I have ever made!

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I studied abroad in the beautiful city of Florence in the Spring of 2018, and it was definitely the best decision I ever made. After traveling to Europe on a high school trip the summer before my Senior year, I knew that studying abroad was something that I wanted to do in college. As a Pre-Nursing student, I knew it might be a little more difficult for me to study abroad. I was determined to make it happen, and decided that I wanted to go in the Spring semester of my Sophomore year. I decided that I wanted to study abroad in Italy, because I have always dreamt of visiting places like Florence, Rome, and Venice. I was scared and nervous to be heading to another country completely by myself, but I am so glad I decided to do it. I ended up meeting such amazing people and met some of my best friends who I have been able to meet up with again since we have all been back in different states. I was able to see and experience so many things that I have only ever read about or seen pictures of, and learn so much about other cultures in the process. I was able to travel and see so much more of the world than I ever thought possible in four months. AIFS and the staff at Richmond in Florence did an amazing job of providing cultural activities and events for us students. I never would have done some of the things that I did had it not been for the school organizing the activities, such as attending the world-famous Carnivale in Viareggio (truly and unforgettable experience!). One of the best parts of the Florence program in my opinion is the meal plan. Being able to experience dining in authentic Italian restaurants became one of the highlights of my experience abroad and became a routine for my friends and I. One of my favorite parts of a typical day in Florence was getting to go out to dinner with my friends, enjoy amazing food, and create memories. I could not imagine my semester abroad without the nights spent at our favorite restaurants, all thanks to the meal plan! Studying abroad was the best decision I have ever made, and if I could recommend it to anyone and everyone I absolutely would!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed