Dogsled volunteering in Canada

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

It's nearly six months ago since I left the Canadian bush. I stayed at a Canadian Husky ranch in BC over Spring so there was no dogsledding but it was still a great experience.

I Learned and saw so many new things. The wildlife is really great and I discovered almost every day a new animal. Here a little overview: a motherbear with 3 cubs, marmots, squirls, a lot of deers, snowrabbits (still with white paws, that looks funny), snowchickens, a gardensnake, different eagles and an endless amount of birds, known and unknown, including hummingbirds.

When I arrived Spring started and the flowers and plants slowly went in bloom and the first leaves started to grow on the trees. Down in the valley, the willows and daffodils started flourishing. It was still a bit cold at first and it was difficult to imagine that the temp goes up to 85 degrees or more.

The huskies behavior was pretty good and I didn't have any troubles with them. I knew them now by their names and I fed them every day twice and changed the water. Another thing we did is brushing the dogs because they're changing from winter to summer fur.

As the dogs just came out of winter season they need to relax a lot but we did do a lot of hikes and walks with the dogs. We also cut and split trees for firewood (for the next long winter), painted dog- and beeboxes and did other daily jobs around house and garden. The couple I lived with is also managing a camping resort with cabins, which they owned some years ago, for the the new owner. It's on a very nice lake and we spend there some days a week to cut dry grass, repair some facilities and get rid of old things, because the resort was absolutely disregarded in the last years. And I can drive with a V8 7.2 l truck with 4 wheel drive on the worst road I've ever seen, that's not only a pleasure. It’s a great experience!

I am a real Texan growing up very rural on a farm (diary) so for me to be on a different type of ranch and experience the Canadian outdoor life was great! Thanks Fronteering!

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