Solicitor's Firm Internship

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 3
Safety: 5

My three months in Dublin with Global Experiences were some of the best of my life. This internship gave me the chance to learn so much more about myself and be able to grow and be so much more independent. Working in a foreign country gives you an experience truly unlike any other and has the chance to open up so many opportunities for you. I loved learning all about Dublin and Ireland and seeing all it had to offer while also getting the chance to develop new professional skills and learn about a future career path for myself. It was a one of a kind experience and I'm so glad I got to experience it. Global Experiences made everything so easy and problem free and Lara is awesome about being there for the interns just enough where you still feel independent but have a friend if you need one. I am so grateful for my time in Dublin and with Global Experiences.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed