Be the change Italy

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Be the change .....a challenge? An inspiration? A motivation ? Yes yes yes to travel to the other side of the world alone for the first time and be immersed in a group not just any group,an amazing group of adults from many walks of life,all with a like minded view of our world. A group representing different cultures ,ages life experiences. It was a privilege to hear many experiences and be able to add them to my life view.
we shared the most delicious italian food and absorbed the rural surroundings. My life has been enriched by the new friendships.
I look forward in anticipation to the amazing socially inspired projects that will come from this be the change from all of the paticipants For me be the change has confirmed the social direction of my business and reaffirmed the goals I already had in place. my position is not negotiable and all the polices Ihave written since be the change have reflected this If you have the chance go go go not only will you be inspired to continue to be the change you will be changed!

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