Belize Volunteer Program

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 4

Having the Opportunity to volunteer with Reef CI was a great privilege for me for so many reasons. It helped grow me as a young man, gave me appreciation for a new culture and also for God's creation. The staff were friendly and great help in me achieving my open water certification and then also achieving my advanced open water certification.

Futhermore, it was great to have the opportunity to do marine conservation through hunting for lionfish, as well as performing population counts for lobsters and conch. Another great aspect of Reef CI is it opened me up to meeting a ton of new people from all over the world! Not only did I become a certified scuba diver and perform marine conservation, but I also made a ton of new friends.

Thank you Reef CI for the positive experience!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed