My mechina experience

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Mechina was an incredible, crazy, challenging, interesting and overall amazing experience. I learned so much about jewish peoplehood and values, zionism and politics, army prep, psychology, jews from the diaspora and the differences between israelis and diaspora jews and a lot more subjects.
I met new friends from all across israel and the world which i feel really connected to.
I traveled in israel in places iv’e never been before.
Also, i had the chance to live with 30 people for a six months, sharing bedroom with 3 other girls, living by myself, responsible for my own life, and getting more and more mature and independent.
I learned a lot about myself, i found out stuff about myself that I didn’t know were existed. (values, strength and more)
Mechina really gives you the chance to focus on yourself and improve yourself.
I am really happy for my choice to come to kol ami and be part of it, and i 100% recommend this program!!
(P.s- The branch in Carmiel is the best!!)

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Yes, I would
Year Completed