
Housing: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I applied to Kol Ami because a friend recommended to me about it. I must say I was very sceptic about doing a gap year before drafting to the Israeli army but something about the connection between jews around the world really attracted me.
The beginning of Mechina was really tough, we need to wake up early every morning and the schedule is very busy. BUT, we are now 5 months into the program and I can say with a full heart that coming to Kol Ami was one of the best decision I made.
Beimg in Kol Ami is not easy, but the profit from it really makes it worth.
While being here I’ve met friends from all over the world and made A LOT of meaningful and amazing experiences.
Kol Ami also really helped me to connect to the jewish world which I wasn’t that connected to before.
Over all, Kol Ami really changed my life and I’m very happy for being a part of this family.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed