Design intern meets Tokyo

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I prepared for this internship with an outlook of coming home with international experience on my CV and whatever else came with it would be a bonus. My expectations were beyond exceeded with so many new experiences happening at the same time I was really pushed to get out of my comfort zone and as a result have really found my feet as both a designer and a person. I couldn’t recommend this experience enough if you’re looking for some direction in both your career and self-discovery.

Hard work really does pay off, even if the internship ends up being one that you realise isn’t what you want to do. Just gaining experience in the workplace, learning about the structure of a team and the workflow process is valuable experience. Definitely take this opportunity if available to you, it’s like a nurturing hand walking you through the tricky bridge between school and career. It makes the process a lot smoother and supportive. I got offered a job at the end of my internship which was very unexpected, so go for it! Who knows what this experience has in store for you ...

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed