An Awesome Addition to GIVE Thailand

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Among GIVE Volunteers, Laos is well known as Thailand 2.0 because so many people combine their Thailand trip with this one to make one amazing month long adventure in south east Asia! Make no mistake though, Laos is a country of its own. Similiar to Thailand but by no means identical. One major thing I noticed between the two was that Thailand was more hectic in terms of activities. We always seemed to be bouncing around from one amazing thing to another. Laos however, seemed to be running on slowed time. Everything seemed to slow down and it was a little more relaxing. We still did a ton of amazing things though!! Among them was zipling through the jungle, building a teacher's dorm out of recycled plastic bottles, and practicing Buddhism with actual monks! The Baci ceremony in which the locals we worked with wished us safe travels and good fortune was definitely the best bittersweet closing to an amazing adventure.

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Year Completed