TEFL Training in Koh Samui

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 4
Academic Rigor: 2
Job Assistance: 5

Hey everyone! If you're looking to teach abroad and still need to get your TEFL certificate, I would definitely suggest looking into TEFL Heaven. I thought it was a great way to ease yourself into Thailand and an easy way to meet a large group of people, some of whom you end up getting placed with! The training they supplied was wonderful and doing it in person (on a paradise island) made it that much better. They even brought us to a Thai classroom for 2 days which was an incredible insight into what to expect. On top of that, we were right on the beach and could change into our bathing suits immediately after training and relax. I think the best part of it all is that it's now 4 months after my training and I am still making travel plans to meet up with friends that I made during training.
I know it is a bit pricey but if I could go back I would do it all again. It was well worth it.

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Year Completed