A good set up to help you achieve your TEFL goals

Instruction: 4
Support: 5
Value: 4
Academic Rigor: 3
Job Assistance: 5

We originally picked TEFL Heaven because they had the best reviews online for a TEFL cert in an overseas location. We didn't want to do the course online since we were working full time and didn't want to be studying all night afterwards. Studying in the country we wanted to be in and learning some of the culture and language first was a nice way to be introduced to our working abroad time.
TEFL Heaven was on top of things from the first time we spoke to them. They answered my questions, emailed within a reasonable amount of time and helped us with the process of applying, etc.
The 3 week course itself was fun with a good group of people and great trainers. It wasn't academically challenging but just full on as it is all day in the class room at high energy. We had every weekend off which was nice to explore our island. I feel like the time in training helped me prepare a little for how teaching would be when we got jobs.
TEFL Heaven placed us with an agency in Bangkok and they placed us in a all girls high school (recommend!). Our school is great - lovely kids (mostly), teachers and good location for us. It was really cool to see/participate in all the cultural days/festivals with the teachers and kids.
All in all, we did this program to get out of our comfort zone, have a change of scenery and decide if we wanted to be teachers at home. It has been successful on all of those fronts.
The culture shock is still in play even after 6 months and we'll be glad to be home in our familiar surroundings, but we're very glad to have experienced this and would recommend it to others.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed