Teaching in Thailand

Instruction: 4
Support: 5
Value: 4
Academic Rigor: 4
Job Assistance: 5

I am extremely thankful to have done the TEFL program in Thailand because it was a nice introduction to the country before signing a contract to live here for a year. I was very nervous coming over, with obvious reasons, but the program really helped to calm my nerves and help me prepare for teaching. I did my training on the island of Koh Chang and it was so incredibly beautiful. I also got to meet a lot of new friends and that was a huge bonus as well.
Currently I am living in the town of Ranong Thailand, which is very south, and I'm teaching high school in an international program, this means that all of my students are able to speak at least a little bit of english. I teach english, sociology, geography and art and love it all! My town is small but there are many things to do, especially if you love nature! I live close to a lot of the major islands, like Phuket and Koh Phayam, so its nice to be able to travel there when I need a break. So far my experience here has been amazing- it's obviously not all easy but I'm learning and growing everyday and I wouldn't exchange this experience for anything.
I made a cool video of my life here in Ranong- from my school, to my home and some places in between! If you want to catch a glimpse of my life here check it out! :)

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Yes, I would
Year Completed