Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

GIVE has an absolutely amazing message that is conveyed through and through in their Tanzanian adventure. There aren’t the right words to describe the experience I had in Tanzania but here’s to trying. The people on Zanzibar, from the staff, the locals in Kairo, to the people in Arusha and on the safaris, they all had such beautiful souls that were so passionate about being the root of change. Every person I encountered on this trip saw humans as humans, nothing more. Every human is privileged to have the life they do and I took that for granted before I met all those beautiful people. A souvenir shop worker knocked over all the figurines after I got worried for knocking one over because they truly live by the saying “Hakuna Matata” and are enjoying life for what it is and that’s what I plan to do from here on out. I am a better person because of GIVE and the experience I was honored enough to go on. Everyone would be impacted by going on a trip or this sorts, even in just a small way but one small action of change can make the world of a difference for one person and create a ripple of change. You truly have everything when you have happiness and that is so evident in all of the people I met on my trip. The people working in, with, and out or GIVE have everything because they are happy, even if they have so little. Be the root of change, even if it’s just little, it matters.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed