Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

This trip was so much more than a vacation; it was an adventure. From day one, there is exciting and meaningful interactions with the other volunteers and also with the community in general. All the basics were met (food, clean water, accommodations) and then some. The itinerary was exciting and full of new experiences every single day. The best part of the whole trip was also the longest part: the extended stay in Sop Chem, a small village 2 hours away by boat from the nearest larger town. There are no words to express the beauty and wonder of Sop Chem. It is quite literally a paradise with amazing people and beautiful scenery. It was so easy to become accustomed to the way of life in Sop Chem. In fact, I found it easier to adjust to Sop Chem than to adjust when I got back home to the United States. Life there is slower paced and disconnected, something that I found to be therapeutic and recharging. I felt so culturally immersed the entire time, which gave me a true feeling of purpose that I haven't ever gotten on a trip before. The volunteering was so meaningful. I only wish I could have done more. Overall, this trip was life-changing and eye-opening. I discovered so much about myself throughout the journey and I can't wait to continue making a difference here and eventually getting back overseas and continuing to make a global impact.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed